Tag Archives: Deepak Chopra

It’s Abundantly Clear

“Everything I desire is within me.” 21-Day Meditation Challenge…Chopra Center

Evidently I struggle with scarcity mentality.  I wouldn’t have thought it.

Chopra’s “Abundance” meditations have opened up a new world for me.  I am free to follow a path of expectation of the best.

I thought I was already doing that.

Until I found this freedom in realizing that I have an abundance of time to write.

Until my skewed perception of my body floated throughout my day in the most unflattering of ways which created wonky attitudes about what I can and cannot eat.

Until I recognized that my belief that I have an abundance of energy propels me out the door for my walk. And that my love of the fall can encompass picking up leaves in the neighbor’s yard to feed the worms in my garden.

Until I comprehended that abundance is available everywhere; especially in my mind and heart.

Until I accepted that if I forget that I have abundance…I have an abundance of teachers to remind me.



Filed under 21 Day Meditation Challenge, Deepak Chopra


Why is it so easy for me to accept others’ assessment of me…good or bad?

Deepak Chopra defines self-referral as “The experience (…) that our internal reference point is our own spirit, and not the objects of our experience. The opposite of self-referral is object-referral. In object-referral we are always influenced by objects outside the Self, which include situations, circumstances, people, and things. In object-referral we are constantly seeking the approval of others. Our thinking and our behavior are always in anticipation of a response.”

This seems simple.  I, after all, live with me on a day-by-day basis. I may not know who I am all of the time, but I surely know who I am not.

Even still, I am struggling to see myself as worthy because I have been judged as unworthy.  I am questioning my heart because I have been told that my love isn’t pure and true. Mean and thoughtless acts have been attributed to me and so I am questioning my motives.

Before I can totally deny all allegations I must examine my feelings of joy when someone finds me wonderful.  I need to remember that I have been given credit for worthy deeds and accepted accolades.

Ultimately, I check in with my own soul.  I expand with the peace and love within and return to what is true for me.

It’s a journey.

Life Student


October 10, 2012 · 9:56 am

Happiness from Within

Deepak Chopra has a new “8-week Path to Happiness” online and free.  I was struck by his first lesson.

“The ancient wisdom tradition known as Vedanta teaches that being happy for a reason is just another form of misery because the reason can be taken away from us at any time.”  …

“True happiness, in contrast, is an internal state of consciousness that allows us to be happy for no reason at all. It’s the realization that our real self isn’t our possessions, accomplishments, relationships, body or mind. Who we really are transcends space, time, and cause-and-effect. ”

I find this mind-blowing.  Because it is so right.

I am filled with gratitude to be aware of great teachers.  I might come to some of these realizations, or put realizations into words.  Yet, by turning on my computer I am spoon-fed the wisdom of ages.  I can so much more quickly comprehend spiritual truths when they are put into simple modern language that I can understand.

This week I have been monitoring my happiness meter.   I notice when I have pure joy.  I am aware of my state of mind as I move through my day.  It bears watching.

Life Student


Filed under 8-Week Path to Happiness, Deepak Chopra