Tag Archives: intention

Something New – Part 5

“The challenge of the Silver Gate is to reconnect to our regenerative forces and stay connected to them. Many cultures of the world have traditional practices to accomplish this.” Angeles Arrien
I am intrigued by an Ancient European custom cited in this section that is still practiced in some areas of the world. The challenge is to do something never before tried each month. The custom is to do it on one’s birthdate, but I will play fast and loose with that.
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When asked me two weeks ago how I would stretch myself this month, I replied that I was unsure. Even though I had already signed up for my big challenge. I just didn’t see it as that.
We are fortunate to have a hometown university. And like many universities, ours has a program for the great aging population. We are college seniors in a new way – attending classes on a plethora of subjects taught by local experts. Some teachers have retired from academia. Some are doctors. Some are artists and artisans. And some are just highly experienced in the fields in which they choose to share knowledge. Well, I digress…
For about six months I have had a notation on my calendar to remind me to dance. I love to dance. It doesn’t take a lot to make me happy – just turn up the salsa or rock and roll and I will gyrate around the house on the way to the refrigerator or while making the bed. Somehow, though, I forget to turn on that music. Other than a rare 10 minutes after my exercise class when some of us boogie to Jerry Lee Lewis, I have neglected my dance intention.
Intention plants seeds, however, and this spring I signed up for a class in English Country Dance. I know – strange. But this is line dance and circle dance from two centuries past and I don’t need a partner.
Thursday, I wandered around an small industrial area to find The Dance Space. I walked into a large group of people doing some fairly intricate steps in a circle. When the music ended the teacher asked my name and invited me into the circle.
Immersion dancing!
By the end of the hour I was laughing at my own awkwardness, apologizing for messing up, and realizing that I had enjoyed every moment. I signed up for a workshop on Saturday and let my husband know that I have a new passion.
(By the end of the Saturday workshop I was exhausted, brain dead, and still determined to make room in my life for this exercise for mind and body.)
Five months of new beginnings and counting.
The Student

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Filed under Angeles Arríen, The Challenge, The Second Half of Life, The Silver Gate

One More Time…

I rarely think of myself as negative. When I begin to view myself that way, I examine my life to see what is bothering me. Why I am down? Am I depressed?

Until I address my words and how I express myself, I don’t notice how many times in the day I think the worst; of people, of myself, of situations. Then I begin to question myself, “How long can you go in a day without saying anything negative?”

Oh, of course, I must deal with facts as they are so perhaps the letter of the experiment cannot be held to account. But I am trying to filter my thoughts.  My intention is to express no negativity. On my third day trying to follow the path of joy, this is an eye-opener.

Today I intend to use gratitude as a foil to the unruly thoughts that enter my head. That will be better than feeling bad about the number of negative words that try to slip off my tongue.

Onward and upward!

The Student

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Filed under Self-Acceptance Project, Self-examination

Groovin’ with Deepak and Oprah

In every moment, you have a choice about how you want to use two of your most precious resources – your attention and your intention. If you choose to focus your awareness on love, compassion, appreciation and peace, those qualities will expand in your experience.  You will find yourself living in the flow of grace and ease, in alignment with the creative power of the universe.” Deepak Chopra in Desire and Destiny Meditation Challenge*

This is a powerful message that I have heard many times. It was reinforced in my meditation this morning and I felt the resonance throughout my body. My heart swelled with memories of the expansive feelings that arise when I have chosen kindness. Moments of compassion, when I  join with others to relieve all of our suffering, deepen my love of life and its goodness. This morning I am washed in the glow of appreciation for my privilege in this world; the time, capacity and resources to access spiritual lessons, from others and from within.

I want to cling to this concept while knowing that the opposite is necessary. Instead, I must open up and live my intention to give my attention in these ways. This will create the true abundance, that of generosity and joy.

Life Student

*You can find the written transcript of each meditation at Doin the Grateful Dance. What a gift!


Filed under 21 Day Meditation Challenge, Deepak Chopra, Oprah, Quotations