Category Archives: The Second Half of Life

The White Picket Gate

(…)The White Picket Gate requires us to look at where we have become over-identified with the roles we have played or the expertise we have developed earlier in life.
This gate reveals our changing identities and social masks. It leads us to reconsider who we think we are or are not, and rediscover the essence of who we are beyond our ambitions and our egos’ needs. Each picket of this gate symbolizes a role that we have developed. The Second Half of Life – Angeles Arrien
The Task: “The task at the White Picket Gate is to uncover or awaken to the essence of who we truly are beyond masks, roles, work, history, and associations.”
The Challenge: “…we must shift our allegiances from fear to curiosity, from attachment to letting go, from control to trust, and from entitlement to humility. “
The Gift: “It leads us to reconsider who we think we are or are not, and rediscover the essence of who we are beyond our ambitions and our egos’ needs.”
This gate is already a challenge. The particular assignments to examine and re-examine different facets of myself as I have moved through life will be a new journey for me. It’s evident in that I began this post in August of 2016 and am just returning to it.
Not that I haven’t thought about it. There have been times in my life that I saw myself as my role as a mother and wife, or as my success in work. And I believe our friends are sometimes a good reflection of who we are.  Still, contemplation has not been the perfect key to understanding. It’s time to really begin journaling about the reflections. Time to continue the adventure!
The Student

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Filed under Angeles Arríen, The Second Half of Life, The White Picket Gate

Something New – Part 12

“The challenge of the Silver Gate is to reconnect to our regenerative forces and stay connected to them. Many cultures of the world have traditional practices to accomplish this.” Angeles Arrien
I am intrigued by an Ancient European custom cited in this section that is still practiced in some areas of the world. The challenge is to do something never before tried each month. The custom is to do it on one’s birthdate, but I will play fast and loose with that.
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I know that I am not alone with my concern over the unleashing of longstanding bigotry and hatred in my country. The events of this past year, its political campaigns and the election have somehow legitimized speaking and acting out ignorance and hatred.

I am not a political person. Politics are not my mission and will never be. But I need to find the best ways possible to stay within my own guidelines of tolerance and acceptance, avoid resistance, and still make a difference in the world.

I have became active on an Ad Hoc committee for my small town. I was appointed earlier but the meetings began in October and November. I had real hesitancy on this. Was I qualified? Is my mind still active enough to contribute? Does my history lend itself to experiences that translate to the common good of my community?

Well, obviously the Mayor believed I could do it…so there I was. I met the challenge in a way that felt good to me.

I am writing this after the fact, when we have worked and struggled and crafted and redrafted a resolution that was voted on in February. So you can read it here.

The Student

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Filed under Angeles Arríen, The Challenge, The Second Half of Life, The Silver Gate

Something New – Part 11

“The challenge of the Silver Gate is to reconnect to our regenerative forces and stay connected to them. Many cultures of the world have traditional practices to accomplish this.” Angeles Arrien
I am intrigued by an Ancient European custom cited in this section that is still practiced in some areas of the world. The challenge is to do something never before tried each month. The custom is to do it on one’s birthdate, but I will play fast and loose with that.
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Well, I am so much in the groove of doing new things that I forget to keep track. But, in October, even as I was buying the tickets I was amazed at our (my husband and I) sense of silliness and adventure.
img_0853In addition to doing something new each month, my husband and I have begun, once again, to take turns deciding on something interesting to do that takes us out of our routine. Watching Vera on Amazon Video may be entertaining but it isn’t enlightening or broadening unless we are trying to learn new British slang. And even if it is less graphic than many detective shows, it still necessitates me hiding my eyes periodically.
Okay, so you may think that our choice this month was no improvement – but we thought going through a Haunted House for Halloween was pretty fun. And it was a first for me!
Life Student

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Filed under Angeles Arríen, The Challenge, The Second Half of Life, The Silver Gate