Tongue Wrestling

Sunset in ItalyNamaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra.The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another.

Last night at dinner I wrestled with my tongue. I wanted her to hear what she was saying. I wanted to question her position.

Why can’t I accept who she says she is? Why am I so sure of my path? Well, perhaps not sure of my path but sure of a wrong path when I see one.

And still by now I am aware that I cannot change the world with my words; especially if I am arguing my point against ingrained attitudes and prejudices.

A portion of this morning’s meditation was day 22 of “Creating Abundance” from the Chopra Center. The answer was there. We change the world by our own attitudes. We make inroads into closed minds by our openness and willingness to accept differences.

The divine light in me greets the divine light in you.


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